Steel Columns

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Steel Columns

Steel Columns: Definition, Characteristics, and Applications

Steel columns are structural elements that support vertical loads in buildings and other projects. In the construction of structures and buildings, vertical load-bearing steel columns are used. They are recognized for their resilience, sturdiness, and ability to support massive weights. Steel columns have a high weight capacity, allowing for the construction of robust, towering structures. They provide stability and stiffness to the entire structure while withstanding compressive pressures.

Material Types, Grades, and Finishes

Steel columns are often made of carbon steel, which provides strength and structural integrity. The specific use and the necessary load decide the material grade of the steel columns. Common material grades that define the mechanical properties and specifications of steel are ASTM A36, AS/NZS 3679.1, and AS/NZS 1163. Steel columns can be coated with a natural mill finish, powder coating, or galvanization to boost corrosion resistance and aesthetics.

Applications of Steel Columns

Steel columns are widely used in various construction and structural applications. They are integral components in the construction of buildings, bridges, warehouses, and industrial facilities. Steel columns provide the necessary support for floors, roofs, and beams, ensuring the stability and safety of the structure. They are also used in architectural designs, such as in the creation of open spaces, atriums, and grand entrances.

Range of Steel Columns in the Steel Link App

The Steel Link app offers customers a wide range of steel columns to choose from. The available options include:

  • Universal Columns (UC)
  • Universal Beams (UB)
  • Square Hollow Sections (SHS): 
  • Rectangular Hollow Sections (RHS): 
  • Circular Hollow Sections (CHS):

The Steel Link App: Accessing Steel Column Vendors in Australia

The Steel Link app is a user-friendly platform that enables customers to access a wide range of Steel column bases, Steel column supports and steel column vendors in Australia. Users can explore the app's extensive selection of structural steel columns, compare prices, read customer reviews, and connect with reputable vendors. The app streamlines the procurement process, saving time and effort for customers seeking high-quality steel columns for their construction projects. It provides a centralized marketplace where customers can find the specific steel column types, sizes, and finishes they require.